1 January Thursday New Year's Day
Moveable Good Friday Friday before Easter Sunday. Alsace and Moselle only
Moveable Easter Monday Monday after Easter Sunday (one day after Easter Sunday)
1 May Friday May Day/Labour Day
8 May Friday Victory in Europe Day End of hostilities in Europe in World War II
Moveable Ascension Day Thursday, 39 days after Easter Sunday
Moveable Whit Monday Monday after Pentecost (50 days after Easter), observed only in some businesses, see notes
14 July Tuesday Bastille Day French National Day, commemorates the Feast of the Federation
15 August Saturday Assumption of Mary to Heaven
1 November Saturday All Saints' Day
11 November Wednesday Armistice Day End of World War I
25 December Friday Christmas Day
1 January Friday New Year's Day
Moveable Good Friday Friday before Easter Sunday. Alsace and Moselle only
Moveable Easter Monday Monday after Easter Sunday (one day after Easter Sunday)
1 May Sunday May Day/Labour Day
8 May Sunday Victory in Europe Day End of hostilities in Europe in World War II
Moveable Ascension Day Thursday, 39 days after Easter Sunday
Moveable Whit Monday Monday after Pentecost (50 days after Easter), observed only in some businesses, see notes
14 July Thursday Bastille Day French National Day, commemorates the Feast of the Federation
15 August Monday Assumption of Mary to Heaven
1 November Tuesday All Saints' Day
11 November Friday Armistice Day End of World War I
25 December Sunday Christmas Day
1 January Sunday New Year's Day
Moveable Good Friday Friday before Easter Sunday. Alsace and Moselle only
Moveable Easter Monday Monday after Easter Sunday (one day after Easter Sunday)
1 May Monday May Day/Labour Day
8 May Monday Victory in Europe Day End of hostilities in Europe in World War II
Moveable Ascension Day Thursday, 39 days after Easter Sunday
Moveable Whit Monday Monday after Pentecost (50 days after Easter), observed only in some businesses, see notes
14 July Friday Bastille Day French National Day, commemorates the Feast of the Federation
15 August Tuesday Assumption of Mary to Heaven
1 November Wednesday All Saints' Day
11 November Saturday Armistice Day End of World War I
25 December Monday Christmas Day
1 January Monday New Year's Day
Moveable Good Friday Friday before Easter Sunday. Alsace and Moselle only
Moveable Easter Monday Monday after Easter Sunday (one day after Easter Sunday)
1 May Tuesday May Day/Labour Day
8 May Tuesday Victory in Europe Day End of hostilities in Europe in World War II
Moveable Ascension Day Thursday, 39 days after Easter Sunday
Moveable Whit Monday Monday after Pentecost (50 days after Easter), observed only in some businesses, see notes
14 July Saturday Bastille Day French National Day, commemorates the Feast of the Federation
15 August Tuesday Assumption of Mary to Heaven
1 November Thursday All Saints' Day
11 November Sunday Armistice Day End of World War I
25 December Tuesday Christmas Day
1 January Tuesday New Year's Day
Moveable Good Friday Friday before Easter Sunday. Alsace and Moselle only
Moveable Easter Monday Monday after Easter Sunday (one day after Easter Sunday)
1 May Wednesday May Day/Labour Day
8 May Wednesday Victory in Europe Day End of hostilities in Europe in World War II
Moveable Ascension Day Thursday, 39 days after Easter Sunday
Moveable Whit Monday Monday after Pentecost (50 days after Easter), observed only in some businesses, see notes
14 July Sunday Bastille Day French National Day, commemorates the Feast of the Federation
15 August Thursday Assumption of Mary to Heaven
1 November Friday All Saints' Day
11 November Monday Armistice Day End of World War I
25 December Wednesday Christmas Day
1 January Wednesday New Year's Day
Moveable Good Friday Friday before Easter Sunday. Alsace and Moselle only
Moveable Easter Monday Monday after Easter Sunday (one day after Easter Sunday)
1 May Friday May Day/Labour Day
8 May Friday Victory in Europe Day End of hostilities in Europe in World War II
Moveable Ascension Day Thursday, 39 days after Easter Sunday
Moveable Whit Monday Monday after Pentecost (50 days after Easter), observed only in some businesses, see notes
14 July Tuesday Bastille Day French National Day, commemorates the Feast of the Federation
15 August Saturday Assumption of Mary to Heaven
1 November Sunday All Saints' Day
11 November Wednesday Armistice Day End of World War I
25 December Friday Christmas Day
1 January Friday New Year's Day
Moveable Good Friday Friday before Easter Sunday. Alsace and Moselle only
Moveable Easter Monday Monday after Easter Sunday (one day after Easter Sunday)
1 May Saturday May Day/Labour Day
8 May Saturday Victory in Europe Day End of hostilities in Europe in World War II
Moveable Ascension Day Thursday, 39 days after Easter Sunday
Moveable Whit Monday Monday after Pentecost (50 days after Easter), observed only in some businesses, see notes
14 July Tuesday Bastille Day French National Day, commemorates the Feast of the Federation
15 August Sunday Assumption of Mary to Heaven
1 November Monday All Saints' Day
11 November Thursday Armistice Day End of World War I
25 December Saturday Christmas Day
1 January Saturday New Year's Day
Moveable Good Friday Friday before Easter Sunday. Alsace and Moselle only
Moveable Easter Monday Monday after Easter Sunday (one day after Easter Sunday)
1 May Sunday May Day/Labour Day
8 May Sunday Victory in Europe Day End of hostilities in Europe in World War II
Moveable Ascension Day Thursday, 39 days after Easter Sunday
Moveable Whit Monday Monday after Pentecost (50 days after Easter), observed only in some businesses, see notes
14 July Thursday Bastille Day French National Day, commemorates the Feast of the Federation
15 August Monday Assumption of Mary to Heaven
1 November Tuesday All Saints' Day
11 November Friday Armistice Day End of World War I
25 December Sunday Christmas Day
1 January Sunday New Year's Day
Moveable Good Friday Friday before Easter Sunday. Alsace and Moselle only
Moveable Easter Monday Monday after Easter Sunday (one day after Easter Sunday)
1 May Monday May Day/Labour Day
8 May Monday Victory in Europe Day End of hostilities in Europe in World War II
Moveable Ascension Day Thursday, 39 days after Easter Sunday
Moveable Whit Monday Monday after Pentecost (50 days after Easter), observed only in some businesses, see notes
14 July Friday Bastille Day French National Day, commemorates the Feast of the Federation
15 August Tuesday Assumption of Mary to Heaven
1 November Wednesday All Saints' Day
11 November Saturday Armistice Day End of World War I
25 December Monday Christmas Day
1 January Monday New Year's Day
Moveable Good Friday Friday before Easter Sunday. Alsace and Moselle only
Moveable Easter Monday Monday after Easter Sunday (one day after Easter Sunday)
1 May Wednesday May Day/Labour Day
8 May Wednesday Victory in Europe Day End of hostilities in Europe in World War II
Moveable Ascension Day Thursday, 39 days after Easter Sunday
Moveable Whit Monday Monday after Pentecost (50 days after Easter), observed only in some businesses, see notes
14 July Sunday Bastille Day French National Day, commemorates the Feast of the Federation
15 August Thursday Assumption of Mary to Heaven
1 November Friday All Saints' Day
11 November Monday Armistice Day End of World War I
25 December Wednesday Christmas Day
1 January Wednesday New Year's Day
Moveable Good Friday Friday before Easter Sunday. Alsace and Moselle only
Moveable Easter Monday Monday after Easter Sunday (one day after Easter Sunday)
1 May Thursday May Day/Labour Day
8 May Thursday Victory in Europe Day End of hostilities in Europe in World War II
Moveable Ascension Day Thursday, 39 days after Easter Sunday
Moveable Whit Monday Monday after Pentecost (50 days after Easter), observed only in some businesses, see notes
14 July Monday Bastille Day French National Day, commemorates the Feast of the Federation
15 August Friday Assumption of Mary to Heaven
1 November Saturday All Saints' Day
11 November Monday Armistice Day End of World War I
25 December Thursday Christmas Day
1 January Thursday New Year's Day
Moveable Good Friday Friday before Easter Sunday. Alsace and Moselle only
Moveable Easter Monday Monday after Easter Sunday (one day after Easter Sunday)
1 May Friday May Day/Labour Day
8 May Friday Victory in Europe Day End of hostilities in Europe in World War II
Moveable Ascension Day Thursday, 39 days after Easter Sunday
Moveable Whit Monday Monday after Pentecost (50 days after Easter), observed only in some businesses, see notes
14 July Tuesday Bastille Day French National Day, commemorates the Feast of the Federation
15 August Saturday Assumption of Mary to Heaven
1 November Sunday All Saints' Day
11 November Wednesday Armistice Day End of World War I
25 December Friday Christmas Day
1 January Friday New Year's Day
Moveable Good Friday Friday before Easter Sunday. Alsace and Moselle only
Moveable Easter Monday Monday after Easter Sunday (one day after Easter Sunday)
1 May Saturday May Day/Labour Day
8 May Saturday Victory in Europe Day End of hostilities in Europe in World War II
Moveable Ascension Day Thursday, 39 days after Easter Sunday
Moveable Whit Monday Monday after Pentecost (50 days after Easter), observed only in some businesses, see notes
14 July Wednesday Bastille Day French National Day, commemorates the Feast of the Federation
15 August Sunday Assumption of Mary to Heaven
1 November Monday All Saints' Day
11 November Thursday Armistice Day End of World War I
25 December Saturday Christmas Day
1 January Saturday New Year's Day
Moveable Good Friday Friday before Easter Sunday. Alsace and Moselle only
Moveable Easter Monday Monday after Easter Sunday (one day after Easter Sunday)
1 May Monday May Day/Labour Day
8 May Monday Victory in Europe Day End of hostilities in Europe in World War II
Moveable Ascension Day Thursday, 39 days after Easter Sunday
Moveable Whit Monday Monday after Pentecost (50 days after Easter), observed only in some businesses, see notes
14 July Friday Bastille Day French National Day, commemorates the Feast of the Federation
15 August Tuesday Assumption of Mary to Heaven
1 November Wednesday All Saints' Day
11 November Saturday Armistice Day End of World War I
25 December Monday Christmas Day
1 January Monday New Year's Day
Moveable Good Friday Friday before Easter Sunday. Alsace and Moselle only
Moveable Easter Monday Monday after Easter Sunday (one day after Easter Sunday)
1 May Tuesday May Day/Labour Day
8 May Tuesday Victory in Europe Day End of hostilities in Europe in World War II
Moveable Ascension Day Thursday, 39 days after Easter Sunday
Moveable Whit Monday Monday after Pentecost (50 days after Easter), observed only in some businesses, see notes
14 July Saturday Bastille Day French National Day, commemorates the Feast of the Federation
15 August Wednesday Assumption of Mary to Heaven
1 November Thursday All Saints' Day
11 November Sunday Armistice Day End of World War I
25 December Tuesday Christmas Day
1 January Tuesday New Year's Day
Moveable Good Friday Friday before Easter Sunday. Alsace and Moselle only
Moveable Easter Monday Monday after Easter Sunday (one day after Easter Sunday)
1 May Wednesday May Day/Labour Day
8 May Wednesday Victory in Europe Day End of hostilities in Europe in World War II
Moveable Ascension Day Thursday, 39 days after Easter Sunday
Moveable Whit Monday Monday after Pentecost (50 days after Easter), observed only in some businesses, see notes
14 July Sunday Bastille Day French National Day, commemorates the Feast of the Federation
15 August Thursday Assumption of Mary to Heaven
1 November Friday All Saints' Day
11 November Monday Armistice Day End of World War I
25 December Wednesday Christmas Day